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ELSA Careers Days

We have had two excellent ELSA careers days take place in school this term.

In the first event, Year 11 students met with a range of representatives from the world of work, including Sky, the Royal Navy, construction companies and care providers. Students had the chance to take part in mock interviews, gaining an understanding of the kind of questions that are asked and good interview techniques. They also undertook practical tasks in teams, which gave them an insight into the skills and qualities that are sought by employers.

For our second event, ELSA spent the day with our Year 9s for 'Engage Advance Achieve' sessions. The students took part in a range of careers-related workshops, and had the opportunity to interview our visitors, to find out about their career journeys and the jobs they are doing. We were joined by representatives from a wide range of sectors, from book publishing to forensic investigation, AI engineering and bioscience, to mention just a few. The students were a credit to themselves and the school!

Thank you to all the volunteers who spent the day with our students and to ELSA for organising the event.