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Holocaust Memorial Day

Each year we welcome Maralyn Turgel, whose father was the only member of her family to survive the Holocaust, to talk to our Year 9s about his experiences.

The details and personal stories she shares bring home the realities of the genocide. As ever, we are grateful to Maralyn for visiting us and for her engaging, educational and affecting talk.

Here are some of the comments students wrote about the event:

"It was so powerful to hear such an important story told out loud. Your speech was so impactful and inspiring, and makes me want to make a difference to the world. Thank you Maralyn."

"It was really eye-opening, making me grateful for the simplest things. It also drives me to make a change."

"It was so vulnerable, so sad, but so educating and eye-opening that you brought this story to us. That itself is a blessing and a privilege - thank you, Maralyn."

"Thank you for coming to tell us about your family's history. It really touched me and even made me very emotional."