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RSHE Parental Consultation Feedback

Following the parental consultation regarding the implementation of the statutory RSHE curriculum, please find detailed below a summary of the responses and actions.

Firstly, there was an overwhelmingly positive response to the information shared, which included useful feedback that has been considered by the team leading on RSHE provision. Thank you to those who took the time to respond to the consultation. The proposed curriculum will be implemented as planned and the overview for this can be found on the Learning for Life department page. 

Following the consultation, there has been a change to the timings of delivery for topics such as 'types of contraception, beyond the condom', which has been moved from Year 10 to Year 9. Further to this, because of the Covid recovery curriculum and the necessity to revisit topics both from a secondary and primary perspective (e.g. puberty at KS2), the delivery for 2020/21 has been reorganised to ensure all pupils cover the statutory content. Due to the rearrangement, we have had to take the transgender lesson out of Year 9, but we intend to implement this once again in 2021/22 and please be reassured that we will continue to offer a balanced viewpoint in relation to LGBTQ+ and all other aspects of the RSHE teaching in the curriculum. 

The following information provides a more detailed response to the key questions asked in the consultation survey:

Q1 asked whether parents understood that RSHE was becoming statutory from September 2020 and 100% of people understood that this was to be the case. 

Q2 asked whether students have shared the content of their Learning for Life (L4L) lessons at home so that discussions could continue beyond the classroom. 47% of respondents expressed that they regularly discussed the L4L content at home. We will continue to promote this and inform parents of the topics covered in order to encourage further discussions to take place. 

Q3 asked whether respondents agreed with the structure created for the RSHE provision at HGS. 87.2% agreed or completely agreed with the structure created.

Q4 asked whether respondents felt that topics had been put into the correct year groups. 74% agreed or completely agreed that we had the lessons in the correct year groups.

The comments made in response to questions 3 and 4 have informed the changes detailed above in terms of the timing of some topics. 

Q5 asked whether parents felt they had enough information about the RSHE topics to continue discussions at home. 79% felt they had enough information to continue to have discussions at home. We will continue to use the newsletter and other formats to engage with parents, to support you in talking to your child about the RSHE topics. 

Q6 asked for feedback about any topics which parents would like more information about. It has been very useful to hear views from parents and this will inform the content of future parental workshops. 

Q7 allowed us to find out how parents are accessing information from school. We will continue to use a range of methods to communicate with parents as it was clear that all are being accessed to varying degrees. We would encourage parents to use the school website to explore the content for each subject, including RSHE. 

Thank you for taking the time to raise specific questions, all of which have been considered and helped to inform the final curriculum structure and delivery methodologies.

Yours sincerely,

James Crowther 
Deputy Headteacher                    


Laura Cole        
Head of Learning Support and L4L