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HGS Dining

The HGS Dining Room is open daily at break and lunchtime, and provides a selection of hot and cold food and soft drinks. In addition, the Coffee Shop is open to Sixth Form students and staff between 8am and 1.30pm each day.

In our Dining Room, we offer a range of options to encourage healthy eating. As well as sandwiches, baked potatoes, pasta and panini, there is always a 'Meal of the Day' available at a fixed price of £2.70 - this includes a main dinner (including a vegetarian option) served with potato and vegetable options and dessert. Food can also be taken away.

Examples of the food on offer:

  • Main meal – Shepherd's pie, katsu curry, hoisin noodles, pasta bake, veggie quarter pounders, macaroni cheese, quiche, vegetables, a choice of potatoes, sponge pudding, crumble
  • Chilled products - sandwiches, filled rolls, wraps, flatbreads, pasta salads
  • Salad bar - help yourself to a variety of different salads
  • Pasta & jacket potato bar - hot pasta with sauce, jacket potatoes with fillings
  • Bakery - fresh tray bakes, doughnuts, cookies, muffins, cheesecake
  • Desserts - fruit salad, fresh fruit, yoghurt, jelly, mousse
  • Drinks - water, flavoured water, cartons of juice, milkshakes

The catering team, along with the midday supervisors, are happy to help and welcome you into the Dining Room. If you are unsure about any food, please ask any member of staff there.

If our current menus do not cater for your child’s individual needs we can usually accommodate any special dietary requirements they may have.

Cashless catering system

The Dining Room and Coffee Shop use a cashless catering system for the purchase of meals, snacks and drinks. The system uses the latest biometric technology. This scans the student’s finger, generating a unique number that is used in the system to identity your child and allow them to spend money from their cashless account. The fingerprint image is not stored and cannot be used by any other system.

You can pay money into the cashless account via ParentPay, the online payment system

The Dining Room is unable to accept cash at the tills for any purchases.

The Coffee Shop can accept contactless payments from Sixth Form students via card or mobile phone.

Healthy eating

The school has adopted 'Healthy Schools' status and encourages students to eat healthily, be active, appreciate their surroundings and care for their physical and mental wellbeing.

Healthy eating guidelines

  • Think about eating a mixed, varied and balanced diet
  • Aim to select fruits and vegetables (five a day)
  • Think before adding any salt
  • Try to select healthier snack options
  • Aim to eat or drink something before starting school
  • Drinking plenty of water. Aim for eight glasses a day