Trustees and Members
Headteacher |
Mr J E Crowther | (From 01/09/22) |
Parent Trustees (elected by parents) |
Mrs S Eisenhandler | (Term: 20/11/23 to 19/11/27) |
Mr K Jenkins | (Term: 01/09/24 to 31/08/28) |
Mr D Roberts | (Term: 21/02/22 to 20/02/26) |
Mrs V Targett | (Term: 16/12/24 - 15/12/28) |
Mrs A Thornber | (Term: 21/02/22 to 20/02/26) |
Appointed Trustees (appointed by members) |
Mr K Balfe (Staff) | (Term: 27/09/21 to 26/09/25) |
Mr K Down (Chair of Audit & Risk Committee) | (Term: 01/06/22 to 31/05/26) |
Mr G Edwards (Chair of Finance & Resources Committee) | (Term: 17/10/21 to 16/10/25) |
Mr T Fitzakerly | (Term: 24/01/24 to 23/01/28) |
Mr C Hall | (Term: 17/10/21 to 16/10/25) |
Mrs N Job (Chair) | (Term: 01/07/21 to 30/06/25) |
Mrs M King | (Term: 01/07/21 to 30/06/25) |
Mr S Lucas (Vice Chair and Chair of Personnel Committee) | (Term: 15/09/23 to 14/09/27) |
Mr S Mills | (Term: 07/10/22 to 06/10/26) |
Mrs S Reeve (Staff) | (Term: 16/12/24 - 15/12/28) |
Mrs K Rowe (Staff) | (Term: 24/09/22 to 23/09/26) |
Mr T Scott (Chair of Curriculum & Performance Committee) | (Term: 17/10/21 to 16/10/25) |
Clerk to the Trustees |
Mr A Hankin |
Additional Trustees during previous year
Mrs S Franklin | (Term: 21/05/21 to 23/02/25) |
Mrs S Frost | (Term: 21/05/21 to 31/08/24) |
Ms A Holden | (Term: 21/02/22 - 22/04/24) |
The Chair can be contacted as follows:
Mrs N Job
Chair of Trustees
Hitchin Girls’ School
Highbury Road
Declared interests and attendance record
Trustees' declared Business and Pecuniary Interests
Attendance record at Trustee Board and committee meetings over the last academic year
Members of the Academy Trust
Members | Appointed |
Mr C Hall | 17 August 2011 |
Mrs N Job | 17 August 2011 |
Mrs S Morrison | 22 February 2021 |
Dr M Firth | 13 October 2021 |
Ms Brittany Sprawson | 30 August 2023 |
Company Secretary | |
Mrs Julia Shaw | 21 March 2023 |