Dr Matt Ogilvie from Sociology at Canterbury Christ Church University would like to invite you to our annual Year 12 Sociology Conference on Wednesday 8th May. For information on the day please see the schedule below:
9:30-10:00 - Arrival at Verena Holmes
Spaces for minibuses can be reserved, on request, at the Saint Gregory's car park on North Holmes Road.
10:00-10.15 - Welcome (Dr Sarah Cant)
10.15-11.30 - Interactive lecture (Dr Jennie Bristow)
The Sociology of Education – core concepts, current policy debates, and new research. The aim of this session is to encourage students to think about / revise what they have learnt so far, but in a way that links this to new debates and up-to-date literature.
11.30-11:45 - Comfort break and refreshments (These will be provided)
11:45-13:00 - Studying Sociology at University (Dr Peter Watts)
13:00-13:45 – How to write your personal statement (School and College Engagement Team), followed by Q&A session.
Schools are welcome to eat their lunch before departing in the garden grounds or in the food court.