We are pleased to be able to offer another two excellent Careers opportunities over the coming weeks, thanks to ELSA Next Generation whom we’ve worked with for some years.
Year 11: ‘Get Work Ready’ - Thursday 23 January
Year 9: ‘Engage Advance Achieve’ Thursday 6 February
Both of these include interview and job application challenges based on current real-world recruitment practices, giving students an appreciation of the qualities and skills sought by today’s employers.
Working individually and in teams, students will tackle ‘out of the box’ tasks, customer service activities, practical and written exercises and mock interviews, and will then benefit from real and honest feedback from the employers taking part.
Parents are asked to chat about these upcoming events with their children and encourage them to think about what they would like to get out of the days.
Any questions, please email Clare Townsend, Careers Coordinator, at clare.townsend@hgs.herts.sch.uk, or Tina Stojko, Careers Leader, at tina.stojko@herts.sch.uk