Good afternoon,
I hope everyone had a restful break; I’d like to start by thanking all the staff and students who took part in the trip to NYC and the ski trip over the break. Both trips were incredibly successful, with staff and students receiving the most wonderful feedback from group leaders and members of the public they encountered.
There's been a very green feel to our return this half term as the Eco School flag we were awarded is now flying by our main gate; we have had assemblies on how we can support and develop a healthier environment by being part of the National Education Nature Park project; and finally we have just been awarded the RHS School Gardening Award Level 3.
In order to achieve this award we had to show the following skills: we contribute to gardening plans; we are learning new gardening skills; we use gardening to support our wellbeing; we grow and can name a range of plants; we keep our plants healthy; we are planet-friendly gardeners.
A huge thank you to all the Eco Club volunteers for their hard work that has enabled us to achieve this award. I look forward to seeing their work develop as we aim to achieve the next level.

This week I had the pleasure of issuing Headteacher Awards to Varsha and Simra from Year 12 for their outreach work with primary schools, both students having recently supported a heart dissection workshop at Whitehall school. They spoke with enthusiasm and eloquence about the experience and are worthy recipients of their awards - well done! Thanks also to Miss Wood for leading the session.
On Tuesday I had the pleasure of welcoming former MFL teachers Mrs Hall, Mrs Brazier, Mrs Wheeler, Mrs Bunker, Miss Collis and Mrs Skinner into school for a tour, and a catchup about their times at HGS and how they compare to now. Obvious changes were noted like the new buildings, reception, gates and staff kitchen, but importantly we all felt the school values are as relevant now as they were when each of them taught here. I look forward to future visits.

Next week is National Careers Week, and Year 12 will be starting off with employability workshops. Throughout the week, subjects will make links between the curriculum and career opportunities. Career aspirations would be a great talking point at home.
It's World Book Day on Thursday and some Year 11s will be experiencing an interactive workshop on Romeo Juliet as part of their GCSE preparations. The remaining students will take part in a similar Macbeth workshop the following Thursday.
Good luck to all the students and staff involved in the Senior Classics Play next week - hopefully I will see many of you there - I am certainly looking forward to it.
With Ramadan due to start this evening I wish all of our community celebrating this period ‘Ramadan Mubarak’.
Have a good weekend.
James Crowther, Headteacher