"Fantastic workshop that was at the correct level for Year 7. Tasks were made interesting and appealing to the class. The trainer was always very positive and made the students feel very comfortable when speaking and sharing information. Tasks were short and fast-paced. Very effective."
"Students were very engaged, and the workshop was expertly delivered. Students clearly gained a lot of skills over the day."
"What a fantastic day with your Year 13 students. They were a credit to the school and very well engaged throughout the day. Their respect for one another during the Talk About My Skills section, when students were speaking from the front, was impeccable."
"Lovely group of students that were engaged and actively participated in the various tasks. There was a change in confidence from the start. The Oracy Champion delivered a very strong interview, talking about her skills, and in the last interview also demonstrated a high level of maturity and engagement, with lots of detail in her answers."
- Thank you to all involved.
Also this week I had the pleasure of hosting a 'birthday bash' for more than 30 Year 7 and Year 13 students - as ever, it was inspiring to hear the words of advice our Year 13s shared with the Year 7s, and equally inspiring was the enthusiasm the Year 7s demonstrated for what lies ahead for them at HGS.
On Thursday, I presented 44 Headteacher's Awards to students who have made exceptional contributions, or have achieved exceptional outcomes over the last few weeks. Well done to all recipients - I look forward to issuing many more in the future!
Finally, when we return, Year 11s will be undertaking their first round of mock exams - I know they will be revising hard over the break but it is important that they take time to recharge too, as it has been a long half-term.
I wish everyone a restful break.